Best Way to Change Your Facebook Name in Seconds
Facebook has become a powerful social networking website. No doubt, you know that this is the most popular social networking website in the world. If you have ever used Facebook before, you might be aware of the requirement to change your name on the site. How would that work if you wanted to change your name? You might be thinking of ways to change your name on Facebook.
Changing your name is one of the simplest things you can do with your Facebook account. If you’ve ever wanted to change your name but messed up and now find yourself in a situation where you need to change your name, let us tell you how to successfully change a name on Facebook so that it will not be difficult for you in the future.
What are the pros and cons of changing your Facebook name?
Facebook is a fantastic tool for keeping in touch with friends and family. But if you’re looking for the best way to customize your profile, there are a few things you should know before changing your name on Facebook.
First, it’s important to remember that your name is public information. If you change your name on Facebook, anyone who knows your old name will be able to find you in their news feeds—even if they don’t follow you anymore! This can be embarrassing or uncomfortable, depending on how it affects the relationship between you and the person who knows your old name.
Second, there are some reasons why people choose not to change their names on Facebook (or anywhere else), since it can feel like a violation of privacy. For example, some people may be afraid that someone might recognize them from somewhere else—like an airport or another public place—if they change their names on Facebook. Others might be uncertain about what would happen if other people found out about their new name, or how it might affect relationships with friends and family members.
Choose a name that will reflect who you are and what you want to achieve.
In order to choose the best name, it is important to think about your goals and values. When choosing a name, consider how it will impact your life in the future. The best way to find the name that’s right for you is by taking a few minutes and thinking about it.
Think about your goals—what do you want your name to say about your personality? Does it need to be approachable? Professional? How would people feel when they heard your name?
Consider the type of business you wish to launch. Will it be a tech company or an arts organization? Do you want something that stands out from all the other businesses in town?
Think about where you’d like this business to be in five years—that’s good for now, but how do you think it’ll look then? What kind of growth path did it take between today and then?
Make sure your new name is available to be used on all of your social media platforms. You should also make sure that your old name is no longer being used by others and that it does not appear on any social media accounts or other online platforms.
This will ensure that you’re able to use it with pride and prevent confusion or embarrassment if someone else tries to use the same name.
You can change your Facebook name by following these steps:
Log in to your Facebook account.
Go to the top right of any page and click on the icon with three horizontal lines in it. This will direct you to the login page. Enter your username and password and click “Log In”
Review your name standards on Facebook
Click your profile picture in the top right corner of Facebook.
To access your profile picture in the top right of Facebook, click the gear icon and select “About Me.” You can also go to your profile and click the gear icon in the top right corner to access this option.
Select Settings
Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings.

Click Name
After clicking on settings, you need to click on the Name section.

Enter your name.
After clicking on the “name” section, you need to put your name and click Review change

Finish the process.

Enter your password and click Save Changes.

You may change your name one time within six months of linking your Facebook account. If you are not able to change it because you have already used that option or have already changed it within six months of linking your account, you can send your ID proof to [email protected] with the subject “Name Change” and they will help you change your name on their end. They are faster with their reply, but it takes some time, so if you really want to change it fast, then do the first method.
Photo by Timothy Hales Bennett on Unsplash